Tuesday, December 29, 2015


I received free samples of Emergen-Zzzz from Smiley360 to try and give my honest review. Normally I like Emergen-C products, but I don't like their Emergen-Zzzz. I tried both flavors that was sent in my packet, but both of them had an awful taste that I just couldn't get past. I did my best to drink enough of the berry, which is much better then the peach, to give Emergen-Zzzz a chance to help me sleep. It did make me a little sleepy and I was able to fall asleep a little easier then normal, but I think it would have worked much better if I was able to drink the whole thing. Overall I think this would be a great product if they had better tasting flavors.

Welch’s Refreshingly Simple

 +BzzAgent #WelchsRefreshinglySimple #BzzAgent @Welchs #GotItFree

I was very excited to receive a free bottle of Welch's Refreshingly Simple from BzzAgent! What's not to like about a drink that tastes good and has no artificial sweeteners, preservatives, artificial flavors or high fructose corn syrup? When I got the bottle of juice in the mail, my kids were so excited because we'd run out of apple juice the day before and the had been asking for juice all day. I poured each of my kids a glass and they all downed a half cup in seconds and was begging for more. My kids love apple juice more then any other drink and they choose Welch's Refreshingly Simple every single time! I tried the Passion Fruit and I really enjoyed it, but it did have a bit of a cranberry after taste to it that I wasn't very fond of. I'm looking forward to trying their other flavors to see how I like them and to have more juice on hand for my kids. I'm more then happy to serve Welch's Refreshingly Simple to my kids since it's so much better for them then the other juices out there.

<img src="http://img.bzzagent.com/image/hero_Welchs_Refreshingly-Simple.jpg?Type=activity&Activity=5917604482&Uid=1128896&token=83f1821594dda87f49f54dfda191ad14" alt=""/>